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M. T. Fodero-Tavoletti, Okamura, N., Furumoto, S., Mulligan, R. S., Connor, A. R., McLean, C. A., Cao, D., Rigopoulos, A., Cartwright, G. A., O'Keefe, G., Gong, S., Adlard, P. A., Barnham, K. J., Rowe, C. C., Masters, C. L., Kudo, Y., Cappai, R., Yanai, K., and Villemagne, V. L., 18F-THK523: a novel in vivo tau imaging ligand for Alzheimer's disease., Brain, vol. 134, no. Pt 4, pp. 1089-100, 2011.
M. A. Burguillos, Deierborg, T., Kavanagh, E., Persson, A., Hajji, N., Garcia-Quintanilla, A., Cano, J., Brundin, P., Englund, E., Venero, J. L., and Joseph, B., Caspase signalling controls microglia activation and neurotoxicity., Nature, vol. 472, no. 7343, pp. 319-24, 2011.
A. Suzuki, Stern, S. A., Bozdagi, O., Huntley, G. W., Walker, R. H., Magistretti, P. J., and Alberini, C. M., Astrocyte-neuron lactate transport is required for long-term memory formation., Cell, vol. 144, no. 5, pp. 810-23, 2011.
K. Nunez, Kay, J., Krotow, A., Tong, M., Agarwal, A. R., Cadenas, E., and de la Monte, S. M., Cigarette Smoke-Induced Alterations in Frontal White Matter Lipid Profiles Demonstrated by MALDI-Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Relevance to Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 151-63, 2016.
H. Xu, Perreau, V. M., Dent, K. A., Bush, A. I., Finkelstein, D. I., and Adlard, P. A., Iron Regulates Apolipoprotein E Expression and Secretion in Neurons and Astrocytes., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 471-87, 2016.
V. Bonet-Costa, Herranz-Pérez, V., Blanco-Gandía, M. C., Mas-Bargues, C., Inglés, M., Garcia-Tarraga, P., Rodriguez-Arias, M., Miñarro, J., Borras, C., Garcia-Verdugo, J. Manuel, and Viña, J., Clearing Amyloid-β through PPARγ/ApoE Activation by Genistein is a Treatment of Experimental Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 701-11, 2016.
E. Vallino Costassa, Fiorini, M., Zanusso, G., Peletto, S., Acutis, P., Baioni, E., Maurella, C., Tagliavini, F., Catania, M., Gallo, M., Faro, M. Lo, Chieppa, M. Novella, Meloni, D., D'Angelo, A., Paciello, O., Ghidoni, R., Tonoli, E., Casalone, C., and Corona, C., Characterization of Amyloid-β Deposits in Bovine Brains., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 875-87, 2016.
D. Fang, Zhang, Z., Li, H., Yu, Q., Douglas, J. T., Bratasz, A., Kuppusamy, P., and Yan, S. ShiDu, Increased Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Signal Correlates with Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in an Alzheimer's disease Mouse Brain., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 571-80, 2016.
S. Simonovitch, Schmukler, E., Bespalko, A., Iram, T., Frenkel, D., Holtzman, D. M., Masliah, E., Michaelson, D. M., and Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Impaired Autophagy in APOE4 Astrocytes., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 915-27, 2016.
M. Xie, Han, Y., Yu, Q., Wang, X., Wang, S., and Liao, X., UCH-L1 Inhibition Decreases the Microtubule-Binding Function of Tau Protein., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 353-63, 2016.
F. Nafar, J Williams, B., and Mearow, K. M., Astrocytes release HspB1 in response to amyloid-β exposure in vitro., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 251-63, 2016.
S. V. Ovsepian and O'Leary, V. B., Neuronal activity and amyloid plaque pathology: an update., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 13-9, 2016.
B. G. Schreurs and D Sparks, L., Dietary high cholesterol and trace metals in the drinking water increase levels of ABCA1 in the rabbit hippocampus and temporal cortex., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 201-9, 2016.
T. Minh Do, Dodacki, A., Alata, W., Calon, F., Nicolic, S., Scherrmann, J. - M., Farinotti, R., and Bourasset, F., Age-Dependent Regulation of the Blood-Brain Barrier Influx/Efflux Equilibrium of Amyloid-β Peptide in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease (3xTg-AD)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 287-300, 2016.
Z. Rusznák, Kim, W. Scott, Hsiao, J. - H. T., Halliday, G. M., Paxinos, G., and Fu, Y. H., Early in vivo Effects of the Human Mutant Amyloid-β Protein Precursor (hAβPPSwInd) on the Mouse Olfactory Bulb., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 443-57, 2016.
E. C. Pinnock, Jovanovic, K., Pinto, M. G., Ferreira, E., Dias, B. Da Costa, Penny, C., Knackmuss, S., Reusch, U., Little, M., Schatzl, H. M., and Weiss, S. F. T., LRP/LR Antibody Mediated Rescuing of Amyloid-β-Induced Cytotoxicity is Dependent on PrPc in Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 645-57, 2016.
D. Chu, Tan, J., Xie, S., Jin, N., Yin, X., Gong, C. - X., Iqbal, K., and Liu, F., GSK-3β is Dephosphorylated by PP2A in a Leu309 Methylation-Independent Manner., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 365-75, 2016.
M. Fà, Zhang, H., Staniszewski, A., Saeed, F., Shen, L. W., Schiefer, I. T., Siklos, M. I., Tapadar, S., Litosh, V. A., Libien, J., Petukhov, P. A., Teich, A. F., Thatcher, G. R. J., and Arancio, O., Novel Selective Calpain 1 Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 707-21, 2016.
P. Jul, Volbracht, C., de Jong, I. E. M., Helboe, L., Elvang, A. Brandt, and Pedersen, J. Torleif, Hyperactivity with Agitative-Like Behavior in a Mouse Tauopathy Model., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 783-95, 2016.
M. Díaz, Fabelo, N., Casañas-Sánchez, V., Marin, R., Gómez, T., Quinto-Alemany, D., and Pérez, J. A., Hippocampal Lipid Homeostasis in APP/PS1 Mice is Modulated by a Complex Interplay Between Dietary DHA and Estrogens: Relevance for Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 459-81, 2016.
A. Savastano, Klafki, H., Haußmann, U., Oberstein, T. Jan, Muller, P., Wirths, O., Wiltfang, J., and Bayer, T. A., N-truncated Aβ2-X starting with position two in sporadic Alzheimer's disease cases and two Alzheimer mouse models., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 101-10, 2016.
Y. Shan, Wang, D. - D., Xu, Y. - X., Wang, C., Cao, L., Liu, Y. - S., and Zhu, C. - Q., Aging as a Precipitating Factor in Chronic Restraint Stress-Induced Tau Aggregation Pathology, and the Protective Effects of Rosmarinic Acid., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 829-44, 2016.
G. - H. Lee, Jang, B., Choi, H. - S., Kim, H. - J., Park, J. - H., Jeon, Y. - C., Carp, R. I., Kim, Y. - S., and Choi, E. - K., Upregulation of Connexin 43 Expression Via C-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Signaling in Prion Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1005-19, 2016.
J. Geng, Xia, L., Li, W., Zhao, C., and Dou, F., Cycloheximide Treatment Causes a ZVAD-Sensitive Protease-Dependent Cleavage of Human Tau in Drosophila Cells., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1161-8, 2016.
E. M. Weekman and Wilcock, D. M., Matrix Metalloproteinase in Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown in Dementia., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 893-903, 2016.
