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C. Gómez, Juan-Cruz, C., Poza, J., Ruiz-Gómez, S. J., Gomez-Pilar, J., Núñez, P., García, M., Fernández, A., and Hornero, R., Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An MEG Study., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 843-854, 2018.
P. Joussain, Bessy, M., Fournel, A., Ferdenzi, C., Rouby, C., Delphin-Combe, F., Krolak-Salmon, P., and Bensafi, M., Altered Affective Evaluations of Smells in Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 433-41, 2016.
P. Joussain, Bessy, M., Fournel, A., Ferdenzi, C., Rouby, C., Delphin-Combe, F., Krolak-Salmon, P., and Bensafi, M., Altered Affective Evaluations of Smells in Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 433-41, 2016.
C. Saraceno, Catania, M., Paterlini, A., Fostinelli, S., Ciani, M., Zanardini, R., Binetti, G., Di Fede, G., Caroppo, P., Benussi, L., Ghidoni, R., and Bolognin, S., Altered Expression of Circulating Cdc42 in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1477-1483, 2018.
L. Zhang, Wang, Y., Xiayu, X., Shi, C., Chen, W., Song, N., Fu, X., Zhou, R., Xu, Y. - F., Huang, L., Zhu, H., Han, Y., and Qin, C., Altered Gut Microbiota in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1241-1257, 2017.
R. N. Martins, Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H. R., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T. M., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V. B., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, W. Ling, Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S. J., Brown, B., Gardener, S. L., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S. M., Barron, A. M., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, E. J., Asih, P. R., Doecke, J. D., Salvado, O., Bush, A. I., Rowe, C. C., Gandy, S. E., and Masters, C. L., Alzheimer's Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies-Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 965-992, 2018.
R. N. Martins, Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H. R., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T. M., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V. B., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, W. Ling, Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S. J., Brown, B., Gardener, S. L., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S. M., Barron, A. M., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, E. J., Asih, P. R., Doecke, J. D., Salvado, O., Bush, A. I., Rowe, C. C., Gandy, S. E., and Masters, C. L., Alzheimer's Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies-Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 965-992, 2018.
R. N. Martins, Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H. R., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T. M., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V. B., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, W. Ling, Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S. J., Brown, B., Gardener, S. L., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S. M., Barron, A. M., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, E. J., Asih, P. R., Doecke, J. D., Salvado, O., Bush, A. I., Rowe, C. C., Gandy, S. E., and Masters, C. L., Alzheimer's Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies-Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 965-992, 2018.
R. N. Martins, Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H. R., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T. M., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V. B., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, W. Ling, Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S. J., Brown, B., Gardener, S. L., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S. M., Barron, A. M., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, E. J., Asih, P. R., Doecke, J. D., Salvado, O., Bush, A. I., Rowe, C. C., Gandy, S. E., and Masters, C. L., Alzheimer's Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies-Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 965-992, 2018.
M. F. Bassendine, Taylor-Robinson, S. D., Fertleman, M., Khan, M., and Neely, D., Is Alzheimer's Disease a Liver Disease of the Brain?, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2020.
Q. - X. Li, Villemagne, V. L., Doecke, J. D., Rembach, A., Sarros, S., Varghese, S., McGlade, A., Laughton, K. M., Pertile, K. K., Fowler, C. J., Rumble, R. L., Trounson, B. O., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Laws, S. M., Robertson, J. S., Evered, L. A., Silbert, B., Ellis, K. A., Rowe, C. C., S Macaulay, L., Darby, D., Martins, R. N., Ames, D., Masters, C. L., and Collins, S., Alzheimer's Disease Normative Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Validated in PET Amyloid-β Characterized Subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 175-87, 2015.
G. Forloni and Balducci, C., Alzheimer's Disease, Oligomers, and Inflammation., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1261-1276, 2018.
C. Ferrari, Lombardi, G., Polito, C., Lucidi, G., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nacmias, B., Berti, V., Rizzuto, D., Fratiglioni, L., and Sorbi, S., Alzheimer's Disease Progression: Factors Influencing Cognitive Decline., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 785-791, 2018.
C. Ferrari, Lombardi, G., Polito, C., Lucidi, G., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nacmias, B., Berti, V., Rizzuto, D., Fratiglioni, L., and Sorbi, S., Alzheimer's Disease Progression: Factors Influencing Cognitive Decline., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 785-791, 2018.
H. Ramzaoui, Faure, S., and Spotorno, S., Alzheimer's Disease, Visual Search, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: A Review and a New Perspective on Attention and Eye Movements., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 901-925, 2018.
C. Babiloni, Noce, G., Di Bonaventura, C., Lizio, R., Eldellaa, A., Tucci, F., Salamone, E. M., Ferri, R., Soricelli, A., Nobili, F., Famá, F., Arnaldi, D., Palma, E., Cifelli, P., Marizzoni, M., Stocchi, F., Bruno, G., Di Gennaro, G., Frisoni, G. B., and Del Percio, C., Alzheimer's Disease with Epileptiform EEG Activity: Abnormal Cortical Sources of Resting State Delta Rhythms in Patients with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 903-931, 2022.
C. Babiloni, Noce, G., Di Bonaventura, C., Lizio, R., Eldellaa, A., Tucci, F., Salamone, E. M., Ferri, R., Soricelli, A., Nobili, F., Famá, F., Arnaldi, D., Palma, E., Cifelli, P., Marizzoni, M., Stocchi, F., Bruno, G., Di Gennaro, G., Frisoni, G. B., and Del Percio, C., Alzheimer's Disease with Epileptiform EEG Activity: Abnormal Cortical Sources of Resting State Delta Rhythms in Patients with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 903-931, 2022.
C. Babiloni, Noce, G., Di Bonaventura, C., Lizio, R., Eldellaa, A., Tucci, F., Salamone, E. M., Ferri, R., Soricelli, A., Nobili, F., Famá, F., Arnaldi, D., Palma, E., Cifelli, P., Marizzoni, M., Stocchi, F., Bruno, G., Di Gennaro, G., Frisoni, G. B., and Del Percio, C., Alzheimer's Disease with Epileptiform EEG Activity: Abnormal Cortical Sources of Resting State Delta Rhythms in Patients with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 903-931, 2022.
S. - K. Herukka, Rummukainen, J., Ihalainen, J., Fraunberg, Mvon Und Zu, Koivisto, A. M., Nerg, O., Puli, L. K., Seppälä, T. T., Zetterberg, H., Pyykkö, O. T., Helisalmi, S., Tanila, H., Alafuzoff, I., Hiltunen, M., Rinne, J., Soininen, H., Jääskeläinen, J. E., and Leinonen, V., Amyloid-β and Tau Dynamics in Human Brain Interstitial Fluid in Patients with Suspected Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus., J Alzheimers Dis, 2015.
N. Liu, Yu, Z., Xun, Y., Shu, P., Yue, Y., Yuan, S., Jiang, Y., Huang, Z., Yang, X., Feng, X., Xiang, S., and Wang, X., Amyloid-β25-35 Upregulates Endogenous Neuroprotectant Neuroglobin via NFκB Activation in vitro., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1163-1174, 2018.
P. H. Nguyen, Del Castillo-Frias, M. P., Berthoumieux, O., Faller, P., Doig, A. J., and Derreumaux, P., Amyloid-β/Drug Interactions from Computer Simulations and Cell-Based Assays., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 64, no. s1, pp. S659-S672, 2018.
R. Fenoll, Pujol, J., Esteba-Castillo, S., de Sola, S., Ribas-Vidal, N., García-Alba, J., Sánchez-Benavides, G., Martínez-Vilavella, G., Deus, J., Dierssen, M., Novell-Alsina, R., and de la Torre, R., Anomalous White Matter Structure and the Effect of Age in Down Syndrome Patients., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 61-70, 2017.
F. Piazza, Greenberg, S. M., Savoiardo, M., Gardinetti, M., Chiapparini, L., Raicher, I., Nitrini, R., Sakaguchi, H., Brioschi, M., Billo, G., Colombo, A., Lanzani, F., Piscosquito, G., Carriero, M. Rita, Giaccone, G., Tagliavini, F., Ferrarese, C., and DiFrancesco, J. C., Anti-amyloid β autoantibodies in cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation: implications for amyloid-modifying therapies., Ann Neurol, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 449-58, 2013.
E. C. K. Tan, Eriksdotter, M., Garcia-Ptacek, S., Fastbom, J., and Johnell, K., Anticholinergic Burden and Risk of Stroke and Death in People with Different Types of Dementia., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 589-596, 2018.
Q. Yu, Fang, D., Swerdlow, R. Howard, Yu, H., Chen, J. Xi, and Yan, S. ShiDu, Antioxidants Rescue Mitochondrial Transport in Differentiated Alzheimer's Disease Trans-Mitochondrial Cybrid Cells., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 679-90, 2016.
