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Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: Keyword is Animals and Author is Adlard, Paul A [Clear All Filters]
“18F-THK523: a novel in vivo tau imaging ligand for Alzheimer's disease.”, Brain, vol. 134, no. Pt 4, pp. 1089-100, 2011.
, “Iron Regulates Apolipoprotein E Expression and Secretion in Neurons and Astrocytes.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 471-87, 2016.
, “Overexpression of Metallothionein-1 Modulates the Phenotype of the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 81-95, 2016.