Biography & Research:
I am a Professor of Neurobiology at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University. I graduated from the Hebrew university in Jerusalem with a BSc in Physics and mathematics in 1968 and obtained a PhD in Biophysics from the University of California Berekely in 1973. My postdoctoral training was in neurochemistry at the labortatory of Professor M.A. Raftery at the California Institute of Technology where I studied the nictonic acetylcholine receptors and its functional reconstitution. I then joined the faculty of life science at Tel Aviv University in 1974 where my research first focused on the mechanisms underlying neurotransmitter release. My current research focuses on Alzheimer's disease and the mechanisms underlying the effects of genetic risk factors of the disease and their crosstalk with environmental factors. Specifically the research focuses on apolipoprotein E4, which is the most prevalent gentic risk factor of Alzheimers disease, and on the development of therapeutic approaches to counteract its pathological effects.