Members Directory
University of Catania |
none Areas of Interest: Alzheimer treatment and prevention |
Associate Editor University of Virginia Areas of Interest: Epilepsy and Neurodegeneration, EEG, seizures and dementia, Sleep and Neurodegeneration |
University of Rhode Island Areas of Interest: aging, Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid, drug discovery |
University of Rzeszow |
BROAD Institute of Harvard and MIT, University of Bergen Areas of Interest: AD genetics, epigenetics, gene x environment interaction, parent of origin effects |
Alzheimer Center Reina Sofia Foundation Areas of Interest: aging, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's disease symtoms, clinical measures |
Associate Editor Universidad Señor de Sipán, Chiclayo- Perú Areas of Interest: Aging and Cognition. Alzheimer. Dementia. Neuropsychology. EEG. MRI. Technologies |