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Journal Article
A. Espinosa, Alegret, M., Pesini, P., Valero, S., Lafuente, A., Buendia, M., San José, I., Ibarria, M., Tejero, M. A., Giménez, J., Ruiz, S., Hernandez, I., Pujadas, F., Martínez-Lage, P., Munuera, J., Arbizu, J., Tárraga, L., Hendrix, S. B., Ruiz, A., Becker, J. T., Landau, S. M., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Sarasa, M., and Boada, M., Cognitive Composites Domain Scores Related to Neuroimaging Biomarkers within Probable-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment-Storage Subtype., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 447-459, 2017.
A. Benaque, Gurruchaga, M. Jone, Abdelnour, C., Hernandez, I., Cañabate, P., Alegret, M., Rodríguez, I., Rosende-Roca, M., Tartari, J. Pablo, Esteban, E., López, R., Gil, S., Vargas, L., Mauleón, A., Espinosa, A., Ortega, G., Sanabria, Á., Pérez, A., Alarcón, E., González-Pérez, A., Marquié, M., Valero, S., Tárraga, L., Ruiz, A., and Boada, M., Dementia Care in Times of COVID-19: Experience at Fundació ACE in Barcelona, Spain., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 33-40, 2020.
M. Alegret, García-Gutiérrez, F., Muñoz, N., Espinosa, A., Ortega, G., Lleonart, N., Rodríguez, I., Rosende-Roca, M., Pytel, V., Cantero-Fortiz, Y., Rentz, D. M., Marquié, M., Valero, S., Ruiz, A., Butler, C., and Boada, M., FACEmemory®, an Innovative Online Platform for Episodic Memory Pre-Screening: Findings from the First 3,000 Participants., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 1173-1187, 2024.
C. Abdelnour, Rodríguez-Gómez, O., Alegret, M., Valero, S., Moreno-Grau, S., Sanabria, Á., Hernandez, I., Rosende-Roca, M., Vargas, L., Mauleón, A., Sánchez, D., Espinosa, A., Ortega, G., Pérez-Cordón, A., Diego, S., Gailhajanet, A., Guitart, M., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Ruiz, A., Tárraga, L., and Boada, M., Impact of Recruitment Methods in Subjective Cognitive Decline., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 625-632, 2017.
M. Alegret, Peretó, M., Pérez, A., Valero, S., Espinosa, A., Ortega, G., Hernandez, I., Mauleón, A., Rosende-Roca, M., Vargas, L., Rodríguez-Gómez, O., Abdelnour, C., Berthier, M. L., Bak, T. H., Ruiz, A., Tárraga, L., and Boada, M., The Role of Verb Fluency in the Detection of Early Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 611-619, 2018.
P. Cañabate, Martínez, G., Rosende-Roca, M., Moreno, M., Preckler, S., Valero, S., Sotolongo, O., Hernandez, I., Alegret, M., Ortega, G., Espinosa, A., Mauleón, A., Vargas, L., Rodríguez, O., Abdelnour, C., Sánchez, D., Martín, E., Ruiz, A., Tárraga, L., and Boada, M., Social Representation of Dementia: An Analysis of 5,792 Consecutive Cases Evaluated in a Memory Clinic., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1099-1108, 2017.