JAD is a member of the Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium. The Consortium is an alliance of neuroscience journals that have agreed to accept manuscript reviews from each other. If you have submitted a manuscript to another Consortium journal and your manuscript has undergone their review process, we will accept the reviews from that journal, should you decide this might be helpful. You can find a list of Consortium journals and details about forwarding reviews at http://nprc.incf.org.
The primary means of submission is through Editorial Manager. The authors should identify an Associate Editor (co-authors are disqualified) with expertise in the scope of the manuscript. The Associate Editor will be responsible for identifying reviewers and, after receiving reviews, for making a recommendation on the acceptability of the manuscript for publication. All final decisions on acceptability will be made by the Editor-in-Chief. The Associate Editors will be listed in the article as the Handling Associate Editor. Corresponding authors of accepted articles may be invited to join JAD as Associate Editors. Associate Editors are given free access to the online content of the journal for the length of their terms but are not exempt from publication fees. See Information for Authors for details.