
Export 3163 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
R. C. Petersen, Aisen, P. S., Beckett, L. A., Donohue, M. C., Gamst, A. C., Harvey, D. J., Jack, C. R., Jagust, W. J., Shaw, L. M., Toga, A. W., Trojanowski, J. Q., and Weiner, M. W., Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI): clinical characterization., Neurology, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 201-9, 2010.
J. C. Morris, Roe, C. M., Xiong, C., Fagan, A. M., Goate, A. M., Holtzman, D. M., and Mintun, M. A., APOE predicts amyloid-beta but not tau Alzheimer pathology in cognitively normal aging., Ann Neurol, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 122-31, 2010.
J. A. Miller, Horvath, S., and Geschwind, D. H., Divergence of human and mouse brain transcriptome highlights Alzheimer disease pathways., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 107, no. 28, pp. 12698-703, 2010.
G. He, Luo, W., Li, P., Remmers, C., Netzer, W. J., Hendrick, J., Bettayeb, K., Flajolet, M., Gorelick, F., Wennogle, L. P., and Greengard, P., Gamma-secretase activating protein is a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease., Nature, vol. 467, no. 7311, pp. 95-8, 2010.
L. Jones, Holmans, P. A., Hamshere, M. L., Harold, D., Moskvina, V., Ivanov, D., Pocklington, A., Abraham, R., Hollingworth, P., Sims, R., Gerrish, A., Pahwa, J. Singh, Jones, N., Stretton, A., Morgan, A. R., Lovestone, S., Powell, J., Proitsi, P., Lupton, M. K., Brayne, C., Rubinsztein, D. C., Gill, M., Lawlor, B., Lynch, A., Morgan, K., Brown, K. S., Passmore, P. A., Craig, D., McGuinness, B., Todd, S., Holmes, C., Mann, D., A Smith, D., Love, S., Kehoe, P. G., Mead, S., Fox, N., Rossor, M., Collinge, J., Maier, W., Jessen, F., Schürmann, B., Heun, R., Kölsch, H., van den Bussche, H., Heuser, I., Peters, O., Kornhuber, J., Wiltfang, J., Dichgans, M., Frölich, L., Hampel, H., Hüll, M., Rujescu, D., Goate, A. M., Kauwe, J. S. K., Cruchaga, C., Nowotny, P., Morris, J. C., Mayo, K., Livingston, G., Bass, N. J., Gurling, H., McQuillin, A., Gwilliam, R., Deloukas, P., Al-Chalabi, A., Shaw, C. E., Singleton, A. B., Guerreiro, R., Mühleisen, T. W., Nöthen, M. M., Moebus, S., Jöckel, K. - H., Klopp, N., Wichmann, H. - E., Rüther, E., Carrasquillo, M. M., V Pankratz, S., Younkin, S. G., Hardy, J., O'Donovan, M. C., Owen, M. J., and Williams, J., Genetic evidence implicates the immune system and cholesterol metabolism in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease., PLoS One, vol. 5, no. 11, p. e13950, 2010.
D. A. Gimbel, Nygaard, H. B., Coffey, E. E., Gunther, E. C., Laurén, J., Gimbel, Z. A., and Strittmatter, S. M., Memory impairment in transgenic Alzheimer mice requires cellular prion protein., J Neurosci, vol. 30, no. 18, pp. 6367-74, 2010.
M. L. Daviglus, Bell, C. C., Berrettini, W., Bowen, P. E., E Connolly, S., Cox, N. Jean, Dunbar-Jacob, J. M., Granieri, E. C., Hunt, G., McGarry, K., Patel, D., Potosky, A. L., Sanders-Bush, E., Silberberg, D., and Trevisan, M., National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference statement: preventing alzheimer disease and cognitive decline., Ann Intern Med, vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 176-81, 2010.
E. G. McGeer and McGeer, P. L., Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a field in its infancy., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 355-61, 2010.
K. Iqbal, Liu, F., Gong, C. - X., and Grundke-Iqbal, I., Tau in Alzheimer disease and related tauopathies., Curr Alzheimer Res, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 656-64, 2010.
