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B. Seok Ye, Jang, E. Young, Kim, S. Yoon, Kim, E. - J., Park, S. Ah, Lee, Y., Hong, C. Hyung, Choi, S. Hye, Yoon, B., Yoon, S. Jin, Na, H. Ri, Lee, J. - H., Jeong, J. H., Kim, H. Jin, Na, D. L., and Seo, S. Won, Unstable Body Mass Index and Progression to Probable Alzheimer's Disease Dementia in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 483-91, 2016.
B. Seok Ye, Jang, E. Young, Kim, S. Yoon, Kim, E. - J., Park, S. Ah, Lee, Y., Hong, C. Hyung, Choi, S. Hye, Yoon, B., Yoon, S. Jin, Na, H. Ri, Lee, J. - H., Jeong, J. H., Kim, H. Jin, Na, D. L., and Seo, S. Won, Unstable Body Mass Index and Progression to Probable Alzheimer's Disease Dementia in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 483-91, 2016.
B. Seok Ye, Jang, E. Young, Kim, S. Yoon, Kim, E. - J., Park, S. Ah, Lee, Y., Hong, C. Hyung, Choi, S. Hye, Yoon, B., Yoon, S. Jin, Na, H. Ri, Lee, J. - H., Jeong, J. H., Kim, H. Jin, Na, D. L., and Seo, S. Won, Unstable Body Mass Index and Progression to Probable Alzheimer's Disease Dementia in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 483-91, 2016.
T. Eichler, Thyrian, J. René, Hertel, J., Richter, S., Wucherer, D., Michalowsky, B., Teipel, S., Kilimann, I., Dreier, A., and Hoffmann, W., Unmet Needs of Community-Dwelling Primary Care Patients with Dementia in Germany: Prevalence and Correlates., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 847-55, 2016.
T. Nikolai, Stepankova, H., Kopecek, M., Sulc, Z., Vyhnálek, M., and Bezdicek, O., The Uniform Data Set, Czech Version: Normative Data in Older Adults from an International Perspective., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1233-1240, 2018.
R. McGrath, Robinson-Lane, S. G., Klawitter, L., Rhee, Y., Hamm, J. M., McCourt, M. E., Parker, K., and Hackney, K. J., Undiagnosed Dementia Is Associated with Poor Physical Function in Older Adults., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 473-482, 2022.
K. Pushpa Tryphena, Anuradha, U., Kumar, R., Rajan, S., Srivastava, S., Singh, S. Bala, and Khatri, D. Kumar, Understanding the Involvement of microRNAs in Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Their Role as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Parkinson's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 94, no. s1, pp. S187-S202, 2023.
K. Pushpa Tryphena, Anuradha, U., Kumar, R., Rajan, S., Srivastava, S., Singh, S. Bala, and Khatri, D. Kumar, Understanding the Involvement of microRNAs in Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Their Role as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Parkinson's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 94, no. s1, pp. S187-S202, 2023.
K. Muthukumaran, Kanwar, A., Vegh, C., Marginean, A., Elliott, A., Guilbeault, N., Badour, A., Sikorska, M., Cohen, J., and Pandey, S., Ubisol-Q10 (a Nanomicellar Water-Soluble Formulation of CoQ10) Treatment Inhibits Alzheimer-Type Behavioral and Pathological Symptoms in a Double Transgenic Mouse (TgAPEswe, PSEN1dE9) Model of Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 221-236, 2018.
B. Reisberg, Torossian, C., Shulman, M. B., Monteiro, I., Boksay, I., Golomb, J., Benarous, F. Guillo, Ulysse, A., Oo, T., Vedvyas, A., Rao, J. A., Marsh, K., Kluger, A., Sangha, J., Hassan, M., Alshalabi, M., Arain, F., Shaikh, N., Buj, M., Kenowsky, S., Masurkar, A. V., Rabin, L., Noroozian, M., Sánchez-Saudinós, M. A. Belén, Blesa, R., Auer, S., Zhang, Y., de Leon, M., Sadowski, M., Wisniewski, T., Gauthier, S., and Shao, Y., Two Year Outcomes, Cognitive and Behavioral Markers of Decline in Healthy, Cognitively Normal Older Persons with Global Deterioration Scale Stage 2 (Subjective Cognitive Decline with Impairment)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 685-705, 2019.
B. Reisberg, Torossian, C., Shulman, M. B., Monteiro, I., Boksay, I., Golomb, J., Benarous, F. Guillo, Ulysse, A., Oo, T., Vedvyas, A., Rao, J. A., Marsh, K., Kluger, A., Sangha, J., Hassan, M., Alshalabi, M., Arain, F., Shaikh, N., Buj, M., Kenowsky, S., Masurkar, A. V., Rabin, L., Noroozian, M., Sánchez-Saudinós, M. A. Belén, Blesa, R., Auer, S., Zhang, Y., de Leon, M., Sadowski, M., Wisniewski, T., Gauthier, S., and Shao, Y., Two Year Outcomes, Cognitive and Behavioral Markers of Decline in Healthy, Cognitively Normal Older Persons with Global Deterioration Scale Stage 2 (Subjective Cognitive Decline with Impairment)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 685-705, 2019.
S. Salloway, Sperling, R., Fox, N. C., Blennow, K., Klunk, W., Raskind, M., Sabbagh, M., Honig, L. S., Porsteinsson, A. P., Ferris, S., Reichert, M., Ketter, N., Nejadnik, B., Guenzler, V., Miloslavsky, M., Wang, D., Lu, Y., Lull, J., Tudor, I. Cristina, Liu, E., Grundman, M., Yuen, E., Black, R., and H Brashear, R., Two phase 3 trials of bapineuzumab in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease., N Engl J Med, vol. 370, no. 4, pp. 322-33, 2014.
S. Salloway, Sperling, R., Fox, N. C., Blennow, K., Klunk, W., Raskind, M., Sabbagh, M., Honig, L. S., Porsteinsson, A. P., Ferris, S., Reichert, M., Ketter, N., Nejadnik, B., Guenzler, V., Miloslavsky, M., Wang, D., Lu, Y., Lull, J., Tudor, I. Cristina, Liu, E., Grundman, M., Yuen, E., Black, R., and H Brashear, R., Two phase 3 trials of bapineuzumab in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease., N Engl J Med, vol. 370, no. 4, pp. 322-33, 2014.
F. Pasquier, Sadowsky, C., Holstein, A., Leterme, G. Le Prince, Peng, Y., Jackson, N., Fox, N. C., Ketter, N., Liu, E., and J Ryan, M., Two Phase 2 Multiple Ascending-Dose Studies of Vanutide Cridificar (ACC-001) and QS-21 Adjuvant in Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1131-43, 2016.
I. Lejri, Grimm, A., Hallé, F., Abarghaz, M., Klein, C., Maitre, M., Schmitt, M., Bourguignon, J. - J., Mensah-Nyagan, A. Guy, Bihel, F., and Eckert, A., TSPO Ligands Boost Mitochondrial Function and Pregnenolone Synthesis., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 1045-1058, 2019.
R. Guerreiro, Wojtas, A., Bras, J., Carrasquillo, M., Rogaeva, E., Majounie, E., Cruchaga, C., Sassi, C., Kauwe, J. S. K., Younkin, S., Hazrati, L., Collinge, J., Pocock, J., Lashley, T., Williams, J., Lambert, J. - C., Amouyel, P., Goate, A., Rademakers, R., Morgan, K., Powell, J., St George-Hyslop, P., Singleton, A., and Hardy, J., TREM2 variants in Alzheimer's disease., N Engl J Med, vol. 368, no. 2, pp. 117-27, 2013.
M. Stoiljkovic, Gutierrez, K. Otero, Kelley, C., Horvath, T. L., and Hajós, M., TREM2 Deficiency Disrupts Network Oscillations Leading to Epileptic Activity and Aggravates Amyloid-β-Related Hippocampal Pathophysiology in Mice., J Alzheimers Dis, 2021.
A. Subic, Cermakova, P., Religa, D., Han, S., von Euler, M., Kåreholt, I., Johnell, K., Fastbom, J., Bognandi, L., Winblad, B., Kramberger, M. G., Eriksdotter, M., and Garcia-Ptacek, S., Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Dementia: A Cohort Study from the Swedish Dementia Registry., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1119-1128, 2018.
A. Subic, Cermakova, P., Religa, D., Han, S., von Euler, M., Kåreholt, I., Johnell, K., Fastbom, J., Bognandi, L., Winblad, B., Kramberger, M. G., Eriksdotter, M., and Garcia-Ptacek, S., Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Dementia: A Cohort Study from the Swedish Dementia Registry., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1119-1128, 2018.
A. K. Tripathi, Karmakar, S., Asthana, A., Ashok, A., Desai, V., Baksi, S., and Singh, N., Transport of Non-Transferrin Bound Iron to the Brain: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1109-1119, 2017.
I. S. Piras, Krate, J., Delvaux, E., Nolz, J., Mastroeni, D. F., Persico, A. M., Jepsen, W. M., Beach, T. G., Huentelman, M. J., and Coleman, P. D., Transcriptome Changes in the Alzheimer's Disease Middle Temporal Gyrus: Importance of RNA Metabolism and Mitochondria-Associated Membrane Genes., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 691-713, 2019.
M. A. Mukhamedyarov, Rizvanov, A. A., Yakupov, E. Z., Zefirov, A. L., Kiyasov, A. P., Reis, H. J., Teixeira, A. L., Vieira, L. B., Lima, L. M., Salafutdinov, I. I., Petukhova, E. O., Khaiboullina, S. F., Schlauch, K. A., Lombardi, V. C., and Palotás, A., Transcriptional Analysis of Blood Lymphocytes and Skin Fibroblasts, Keratinocytes, and Endothelial Cells as a Potential Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1373-1383, 2016.
M. A. Mukhamedyarov, Rizvanov, A. A., Yakupov, E. Z., Zefirov, A. L., Kiyasov, A. P., Reis, H. J., Teixeira, A. L., Vieira, L. B., Lima, L. M., Salafutdinov, I. I., Petukhova, E. O., Khaiboullina, S. F., Schlauch, K. A., Lombardi, V. C., and Palotás, A., Transcriptional Analysis of Blood Lymphocytes and Skin Fibroblasts, Keratinocytes, and Endothelial Cells as a Potential Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1373-1383, 2016.
J. San Lee, Kim, S., Yoo, H., Park, S., Jang, Y. Kyoung, Kim, H. Jin, Kim, K. Woon, Kim, Y., Jang, H., Park, K. - C., Yaffe, K., Yang, J. - J., Lee, J. - M., Na, D. L., and Seo, S. Won, Trajectories of Physiological Brain Aging and Related Factors in People Aged from 20 to over-80., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1237-1246, 2018.
J. San Lee, Kim, S., Yoo, H., Park, S., Jang, Y. Kyoung, Kim, H. Jin, Kim, K. Woon, Kim, Y., Jang, H., Park, K. - C., Yaffe, K., Yang, J. - J., Lee, J. - M., Na, D. L., and Seo, S. Won, Trajectories of Physiological Brain Aging and Related Factors in People Aged from 20 to over-80., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1237-1246, 2018.
