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R. Mc Ardle, Hamilton, C., Del Din, S., Kingston, A., Robinson, L., Galna, B., Thomas, A. J., and Rochester, L., Associations Between Local Area Deprivation and Physical Activity Participation in People with Cognitive Impairment in the North East of England., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 265-273, 2023.
J. Nishihira, Tokashiki, T., Higashiuesato, Y., Willcox, D. Craig, Mattek, N., Shinto, L., Ohya, Y., and Dodge, H. H., Associations between Serum Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels and Cognitive Functions among Community-Dwelling Octogenarians in Okinawa, Japan: The KOCOA Study., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 857-66, 2016.
R. Stephen, Liu, Y., Ngandu, T., Rinne, J. O., Kemppainen, N., Parkkola, R., Laatikainen, T., Paajanen, T., Hänninen, T., Strandberg, T., Antikainen, R., Tuomilehto, J., Kiukaanniemi, S. Keinänen, Vanninen, R., Helisalmi, S., Levälahti, E., Kivipelto, M., Soininen, H., and Solomon, A., Associations of CAIDE Dementia Risk Score with MRI, PIB-PET measures, and cognition., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 695-705, 2017.
W. M. A. D. Bino Fernando, Rainey-Smith, S. R., Gardener, S. L., Villemagne, V. L., Burnham, S. C., S Macaulay, L., Brown, B. M., Gupta, V. Bala, Sohrabi, H. R., Weinborn, M., Taddei, K., Laws, S. M., Goozee, K., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Maruff, P., Masters, C. L., Salvado, O., Rowe, C. C., and Martins, R. N., Associations of Dietary Protein and Fiber Intake with Brain and Blood Amyloid-β., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1589-1598, 2018.
M. M. Gonzales, Kojis, D., Spartano, N. L., Thibault, E. G., DeCarli, C. S., Fakhri, G. El, Johnson, K. A., Beiser, A. S., and Seshadri, S., Associations of Physical Activity Engagement with Cerebral Amyloid-β and Tau from Midlife., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 935-943, 2024.
S. Frenzel, Bis, J. C., Gudmundsson, E. F., O'Donnell, A., Simino, J., Yaqub, A., Bartz, T. M., Brusselle, G. G. O., Bülow, R., DeCarli, C. S., Ewert, R., Gharib, S. A., Ghosh, S., Gireud-Goss, M., Gottesman, R. F., M Ikram, A., Knopman, D. S., Launer, L. J., London, S. J., Longstreth, W. T., Lopez, O. L., van Lent, D. Melo, O'Connor, G., Satizabal, C. L., Shrestha, S., Sigurdsson, S., Stubbe, B., Talluri, R., Vasan, R. S., Vernooij, M. W., Völzke, H., Wiggins, K. L., Yu, B., Beiser, A. S., Gudnason, V., Mosley, T., Psaty, B. M., Wolters, F. J., Grabe, H. J., and Seshadri, S., Associations of Pulmonary Function with MRI Brain Volumes: A Coordinated Multi-Study Analysis., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 1073-1083, 2022.
C. Themistocleous, Ficek, B., Webster, K., Ouden, D. - Bden, Hillis, A. E., and Tsapkini, K., Automatic Subtyping of Individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 1185-1194, 2021.
C. Themistocleous, Ficek, B., Webster, K., Ouden, D. - Bden, Hillis, A. E., and Tsapkini, K., Automatic Subtyping of Individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 1185-1194, 2021.
A. Tsugawa, Sakurai, S., Inagawa, Y., Hirose, D., Kaneko, Y., Ogawa, Y., Serisawa, S., Takenoshita, N., Sakurai, H., Kanetaka, H., Hirao, K., and Shimizu, S., Awareness of the COVID-19 Outbreak and Resultant Depressive Tendencies in Patients with Severe Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 539-541, 2020.
A. Tsugawa, Sakurai, S., Inagawa, Y., Hirose, D., Kaneko, Y., Ogawa, Y., Serisawa, S., Takenoshita, N., Sakurai, H., Kanetaka, H., Hirao, K., and Shimizu, S., Awareness of the COVID-19 Outbreak and Resultant Depressive Tendencies in Patients with Severe Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 539-541, 2020.
I. Koychev, Galna, B., Zetterberg, H., Lawson, J., Zamboni, G., Ridha, B. H., Rowe, J. B., Thomas, A., Howard, R., Malhotra, P., Ritchie, C., Lovestone, S., and Rochester, L., Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ42/Aβ38 Ratios Are Associated with Measures of Gait Variability and Activities of Daily Living in Mild Alzheimer's Disease: A Pilot Study., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1377-1383, 2018.
M. Timmers, Barão, S., Van Broeck, B., Tesseur, I., Slemmon, J., de Waepenaert, K., Bogert, J., Shaw, L. M., Engelborghs, S., Moechars, D., Mercken, M., Van Nueten, L., Tritsmans, L., De Strooper, B., and Streffer, J. Rolf, BACE1 Dynamics Upon Inhibition with a BACE Inhibitor and Correlation to Downstream Alzheimer's Disease Markers in Elderly Healthy Participants., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1437-1449, 2017.
M. Timmers, Barão, S., Van Broeck, B., Tesseur, I., Slemmon, J., de Waepenaert, K., Bogert, J., Shaw, L. M., Engelborghs, S., Moechars, D., Mercken, M., Van Nueten, L., Tritsmans, L., De Strooper, B., and Streffer, J. Rolf, BACE1 Dynamics Upon Inhibition with a BACE Inhibitor and Correlation to Downstream Alzheimer's Disease Markers in Elderly Healthy Participants., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1437-1449, 2017.
M. Timmers, Barão, S., Van Broeck, B., Tesseur, I., Slemmon, J., de Waepenaert, K., Bogert, J., Shaw, L. M., Engelborghs, S., Moechars, D., Mercken, M., Van Nueten, L., Tritsmans, L., De Strooper, B., and Streffer, J. Rolf, BACE1 Dynamics Upon Inhibition with a BACE Inhibitor and Correlation to Downstream Alzheimer's Disease Markers in Elderly Healthy Participants., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1437-1449, 2017.
S. Sindi, Ngandu, T., Hovatta, I., Kåreholt, I., Antikainen, R., Hänninen, T., Levälahti, E., Laatikainen, T., Lindström, J., Paajanen, T., Peltonen, M., Khalsa, D. Singh, Wolozin, B., Strandberg, T., Tuomilehto, J., Soininen, H., Kivipelto, M., and Solomon, A., Baseline Telomere Length and Effects of a Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention on Cognition: The FINGER Randomized Controlled Trial., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1459-1470, 2017.
K. Håkansson, Ledreux, A., Daffner, K., Terjestam, Y., Bergman, P., Carlsson, R., Kivipelto, M., Winblad, B., Granholm, A. - C., and Mohammed, A. Kadir H., BDNF Responses in Healthy Older Persons to 35 Minutes of Physical Exercise, Cognitive Training, and Mindfulness: Associations with Working Memory Function., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 645-657, 2017.
M. Pietto, Parra, M. A., Trujillo, N., Flores, F., García, A. M., Bustin, J., Richly, P., Manes, F., Lopera, F., Ibáñez, A., and Baez, S., Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of Memory Binding Deficits in Patients at Different Risk Levels for Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1325-40, 2016.
A. D. Dekker, Sacco, S., Carfi, A., Benejam, B., Vermeiren, Y., Beugelsdijk, G., Schippers, M., Hassefras, L., Eleveld, J., Grefelman, S., Fopma, R., Bomer-Veenboer, M., Boti, M., G Oosterling, D. E., Scholten, E., Tollenaere, M., Checkley, L., Strydom, A., Van Goethem, G., Onder, G., Blesa, R., Eulenburg, C. Zu, Coppus, A. M. W., Rebillat, A. - S., Fortea, J., and De Deyn, P. P., The Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome (BPSD-DS) Scale: Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathology in Down Syndrome., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 797-819, 2018.
A. D. Dekker, Ulgiati, A. M., Groen, H., Boxelaar, V. A., Sacco, S., Falquero, S., Carfi, A., di Paola, A., Benejam, B., Valldeneu, S., Fopma, R., Oosterik, M., Hermelink, M., Beugelsdijk, G., Schippers, M., Henstra, H., Scholten-Kuiper, M., Willink-Vos, J., de Ruiter, L., Willems, L., de Jong, A. Loonstra-, Coppus, A. M. W., Tollenaere, M., Fortea, J., Onder, G., Rebillat, A. - S., Van Dam, D., and De Deyn, P. P., The Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome Scale (BPSD-DS II): Optimization and Further Validation., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 1505-1527, 2021.
M. Ibarria, Alegret, M., Valero, S., Morera, A., Guitart, M., Cañabate, P., Moreno, M., Lara, S., Diego, S., Hernández, J., Tantinyá, N., Vera, M., Hernandez, I., Becker, J. T., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., and Tárraga, L., Beneficial Effects of an Integrated Psychostimulation Program in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 559-66, 2016.
M. Ibarria, Alegret, M., Valero, S., Morera, A., Guitart, M., Cañabate, P., Moreno, M., Lara, S., Diego, S., Hernández, J., Tantinyá, N., Vera, M., Hernandez, I., Becker, J. T., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., and Tárraga, L., Beneficial Effects of an Integrated Psychostimulation Program in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 559-66, 2016.
I. Chalatsa, Arvanitis, D. A., Mikropoulou, E. V., Giagini, A., Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z., Aligiannis, N., Halabalaki, M., Tsarbopoulos, A., Skaltsounis, L. A., and Sanoudou, D., Beneficial Effects of Sideritis scardica and Cichorium spinosum against Amyloidogenic Pathway and Tau Misprocessing in Alzheimer's Disease Neuronal Cell Culture Models., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 787-800, 2018.
K. Le Guennec, Tubeuf, H., Hannequin, D., Wallon, D., Quenez, O., Rousseau, S., Richard, A. - C., Deleuze, J. - F., Boland, A., Frebourg, T., Gaildrat, P., Campion, D., Martins, A., and Nicolas, G., Biallelic Loss of Function of SORL1 in an Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease Patient., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 821-831, 2018.
P. - F. Meyer, Savard, M., Poirier, J., Labonte, A., Rosa-Neto, P., Weitz, T. M., Town, T., and Breitner, J., Bi-directional Association of Cerebrospinal Fluid Immune Markers with Stage of Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 577-590, 2018.
T. Syeda, Sanchez-Tapia, M., Pinedo-Vargas, L., Granados, O., Cuervo-Zanatta, D., Rojas-Santiago, E., Díaz-Cintra, S. A., Torres, N., and Perez-Cruz, C., Bioactive Food Abates Metabolic and Synaptic Alterations by Modulation of Gut Microbiota in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1657-1682, 2018.
