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“Increased Levels of Extracellular Microvesicle Markers and Decreased Levels of Endocytic/Exocytic Proteins in the Alzheimer's Disease Brain.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1671-1686, 2016.
, “Increased Release of Apolipoprotein E in Extracellular Vesicles Following Amyloid-β Protofibril Exposure of Neuroglial Co-Cultures.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 305-321, 2017.
, “Inflammation, Amyloid, and Atrophy in The Aging Brain: Relationships with Longitudinal Changes in Cognition.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 829-840, 2017.
, “Influence of Low-Dose Aspirin on Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in Mice.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 1037-45, 2016.
, “INPP5D mRNA Expression and Cognitive Decline in Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Subjects.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 687-694, 2017.
, “Integrating the Synergy of the Gut Microbiome into Regenerative Medicine: Relevance to Neurological Disorders.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1451-1460, 2022.
, “Intelligent Assistive Technology for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: A Systematic Review.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1301-1340, 2017.
, “Interaction Between Arteriosclerosis and Amyloid-β on Cognitive Function.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 953-961, 2024.
, “Involvement of Activation of Asparaginyl Endopeptidase in Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 709-722, 2018.
, “Kidins220 Correlates with Tau in Alzheimer's Disease Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1327-1333, 2017.
, “Lewy Bodies, Vascular Risk Factors, and Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Leukoencephalopathy, but not Alzheimer Pathology, are Associated with Development of Psychosis in Alzheimer's Disease.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 283-95, 2016.
, “The Link between Type 2 Diabetes and Neurodegeneration: Roles for Amyloid-β, Amylin, and Tau Proteins.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 421-432, 2017.
, “Linking Atrial Fibrillation with Alzheimer's Disease: Epidemiological, Pathological, and Mechanistic Evidence.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 61-72, 2018.
, “Lipid Rafts Act as a Common Platform for Amyloid-β Oligomer-Induced Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 1189-1203, 2022.
, “Loneliness, Not Social Support, Is Associated with Cognitive Decline and Dementia Across Two Longitudinal Population-Based Cohorts.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 295-308, 2021.
, “Longer-Term Investigation of the Value of 18F-FDG-PET and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Predicting the Conversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: A Multicenter Study.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 877-887, 2017.
, “Longer-Term Investigation of the Value of 18F-FDG-PET and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Predicting the Conversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: A Multicenter Study.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 877-887, 2017.
, “Low Accuracy of Brief Cognitive Tests in Tracking Longitudinal Cognitive Decline in an Asian Elderly Cohort.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 409-416, 2018.
, “Low Cognitive Awareness, but Not Complaint, is a Good Marker of Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 753-762, 2017.
, “Lung Function Impairment and the Risk of Incident Dementia: The Rotterdam Study.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 621-630, 2021.
, “Lung Function Impairment and the Risk of Incident Dementia: The Rotterdam Study.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 621-630, 2021.
, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Anatomical Correlation of Human Temporal Lobe Landmarks, in 3D Euclidean Space: A Study of Control and Alzheimer's Disease Subjects.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 461-473, 2017.
, “MAPT H1 Haplotype is Associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Risk in APOEɛ4 Noncarriers: Results from the Dementia Genetics Spanish Consortium.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 343-52, 2016.
, “MAPT H1 Haplotype is Associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Risk in APOEɛ4 Noncarriers: Results from the Dementia Genetics Spanish Consortium.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 343-52, 2016.
, “Mechanism of Tau Hyperphosphorylation Involving Lysosomal Enzyme Asparagine Endopeptidase in a Mouse Model of Brain Ischemia.”, J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 821-833, 2018.