9 May 2013
This volume is a companion to the highly successful book published in association with the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD) on the centennial of Alzheimer’s discovery: “Alzheimer’s Disease: A Century of Scientific and Clinical Research”. Instead of looking back, this collection, “Alzheimer’s Disease: Advances for a New Century”, will look forward.
Using scientometric analysis, the most promising developments since the Alzheimer Centennial in 2006 have been substantiated. While prior trends and advances in genetics, amyloid-β, tau, neuropathology, and oxidative stress continue as active areas, emergent areas impacting the transition from normal cognition to Alzheimer’s disease such as diagnostic imaging, biomarkers, metabolism, and lifestyle (areas conceived only a few years ago) now dominate the debate.
Invited contributors have summarized their landmark publications identified by our analysis and have put them into perspective, explaining the impetus behind the work, the contribution of the results to the field, and who played a role in the work.
See our Tables of Contents for all the articles and abstracts.
George Perry, Xiongwei Zhu, Mark A. Smith†, Aaron Sorensen, and Jesus Avila
Special offer from JAD
JAD is proud to announce the launch of "Alzheimer’s Disease: Advances for a New Century", published both online in JAD’s special supplement issue and as a commemorative print edition in the book series Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease.
As a special offer, you can now purchase the book edition at a 25% discount price by using this order form.
ISBN: 978-1-61499-153-3; EURO132 / US$191
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