Intranasal Dantrolene as a Disease-Modifying Drug in Alzheimer 5XFAD Mice

Manuscript Number: 


Matan Ben Abou, Maryellen F. Eckenhoff, Xue Gao, Adrian Hepner, Ge Liang, Qingcheng Meng, Yun Shi, Huafeng Wei, Jing Zhang, Lei Zhang


Matan Ben Abou

  • Nothing to Disclose

Maryellen F. Eckenhoff

  • Patents/Royalties
    I am listed as an inventor on a patent application with the University of Pennsylvania, entitled INTRANASAL DANTROLENE ADMINISTRATION FOR TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE.

Xue Gao

  • Nothing to Disclose

Adrian Hepner

  • Equity:
    I own stock options in Eagle Pharmaceuticals.
    I am a full time employee of Eagle Pharmaceuticals.

Ge Liang

  • Patents/Royalties
    The results of this manuscript have been included in a US provisional patent application titled “Intranasal Administration of Dantrolene for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease” filed on June 28, 2019 (Serial number 62/868,820) by the University of Pennsylvania Trustee. I am listed as one of the inventors in the provisional patent application.

Qingcheng Meng

  • Nothing to Disclose

Yun Shi

  • Nothing to Disclose

Huafeng Wei

  • Consulting Fees:
    I am an consultant of Well Lead Medical Company, Guanzhou, China, and receive consulting fee this year. It is company make and sell medical devices, such as endotracheal tube, oxygen face mask etc.
    Lecture Fees:
    A lecture fee from Intersurgical company for a lecture titled "Airway Management in Covid-19 Patients" on May 23, 2020.
    I am inventor of WEI Nasal Jet Tube and University of Pennsylvania has applied patents for this medical device in US, Europe, Japan, Australia, China. I am supposed to get some royalties if the patent generate anything in the future. I am one of inventors for a US patent application titled "Intranasal dantrolene for treatment of Alzheimer's disease". I am supposed to get some royalties if the patent can generate anything in the future.
    • Agency: 
      Eagle Pharmaceutical Company

Jing Zhang

  • Nothing to Disclose

Lei Zhang

  • Nothing to Disclose