Therapeutic Potential of TNF-α Inhibition for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

Manuscript Number: 


Richard Isaacson, Evan L. O'Keefe, James H. O'Keefe, Gary W. Small, Noel Torres-Acosta


Richard Isaacson

  • Nothing to Disclose

James H. O'Keefe

  • Patents/Royalties
    James O'Keefe MD has a major ownership interest in CardioTabs, a company that sells over-the-counter supplements including one curcumin product.

Evan L. O'Keefe

  • Nothing to Disclose

Gary W. Small

  • Equity:
    Dr. Small is among the inventors and is a co-founder of Ceremark Pharma, LLC
    Lecture Fees:
    advisor to and/or having received lecture fees from AARP, Acadia, Avanir, Genentech, Handok, Herbalife, Medscape, RB Health, Roche, Theravalues, and WebMD.

Noel Torres-Acosta

  • Nothing to Disclose