Could Altered Evoked Pain Responsiveness be a Phenotypic Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease Risk? A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Cognitively Healthy Individuals

Manuscript Number: 


Stephen P. Bruehl, Michael A. Carter, Ronald L. Cowan, Mary S. Dietrich, Todd B. Monroe, Raymond R. Romano III


Stephen P. Bruehl

  • Nothing to Disclose

Michael A. Carter

  • Nothing to Disclose

Ronald L. Cowan

  • Equity:
    Equities: Cisco systems $8,000; Walt Disney Company $27,000; Microsoft Corporation $81,000; Starbucks $54,000; Walmart Inc. $11,000.
    Royalties as author for Blueprints in Psychiatry, <$5,000 per year. This is a broad general psychiatry text not specifically related to the content of the manuscript.
    • Agency: 
      Levo Therapeutics
      Approximately 06/2018-07/2020

Mary S. Dietrich

  • Nothing to Disclose

Todd B. Monroe

  • Nothing to Disclose

Raymond R. Romano III

  • Nothing to Disclose