Alzheimer’s Disease: Key Insights From Two Decades of Clinical Trial Failures

Manuscript Number: 


Michael Gold, Amir Kalali, C. Kwon Kim, Yin Rui Lee, Lynnett Ong, Joydeep Sarkar


Michael Gold

  • Equity:
    AbbVie stock grants

Amir Kalali

  • Nothing to Disclose

C. Kwon Kim

  • Consulting Fees:
    Although I was fully employed by Holmusk (in Singapore) when I started this manuscript, I moved back to Canada from Singapore and resigned as an employee. However, I continue to work as a contractor to Holmusk - this manuscript was one of the projects I continued on.
    Yes. I am currently employed by Holmusk as a contractor.

Yin Rui Lee

  • Nothing to Disclose

Lynnett Ong

  • Nothing to Disclose

Joydeep Sarkar

  • Equity:
    I own stock options at Holmusk
    I am a permanent employee of Holmusk