Reduction of hippocampal hyperactivity improves cognition in amnestic mild cognitive impairment.

Bakker A, Krauss GL, Albert MS, Speck CL, Jones LR, Stark CE, Yassa MA, Bassett SS, Shelton AL, Gallagher M
Neuron. 2012 May 10; 74(3):467-74. PMID: 22578498. Abstract
Top50 Topics: 
Pathology, Cognition


This study provides important information regardign the role of hippocampal activation in MCI and challanges the widely held belief that hippocampal activation is a positive development.  Moreover, the article has important therapeutic implications. 

This work presents the data indicating that optimal (neither too low, nor excess) hippocampal activation is required for normal brain function. This is an important finding since it provides the rationale for exploiting the neuronal hyperactivity as a therapeutic target, specifically during the early stages of AD pathogenesis.