5 October 2013
Novel accelerometer-based algorithm detects early signals of Alzheimer's disease in everyday motion behavior
The projected substantial increase in Alzheimer’s disease due to the higher life expectancy in modern societies is one of the great future challenges of health care systems worldwide.
22 September 2013
Trends in Diet and Alzheimer's Disease during the Nutrition Transition in Japan and Developing Countries
Changing to the Western diet increases risk of Alzheimer's disease: In a paper just published electronically in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, dramatic increases in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in Japan and significant increases in developing countries are linked to changes in n
10 September 2013
A single mild blast exposure can cause brain injuries with similarities to Alzheimer's disease
A new study published in the September issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reports that even a single mild explosion can cause changes in the brain that have similarities to those found in diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
20 August 2013
UCLA study suggests iron is at core of Alzheimer's disease
Findings challenge conventional thinking about possible causes of disorder
Alzheimer's disease has proven to be a difficult enemy to defeat. After all, aging is the No. 1 risk factor for the disorder, and there's no stopping that.
5 August 2013
Breastfeeding may reduce Alzheimer’s risk
A new study suggests that mothers who breastfeed run a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s, with longer periods of breastfeeding further reducing the risk.
30 July 2013
Poor dental health may lead to Alzheimer’s
Major international research unveiled by UCLan: People with poor oral hygiene or gum disease may be at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a new study led by The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) School of
29 July 2013
Exercise May be the Best Medicine for Alzheimer’s Disease
College Park, MD–New research out of the University of Maryland School of Public Health shows that exercise may improve cognitive function in those at risk for Alzheimer’s by improving the efficiency of brain activity associated with memory.
1 July 2013
Ineke van Rossum, MD, Receives 2013 Alzheimer Award
Ineke van Rossum, MD, has been chosen as the recipient of the 2013 Alzheimer Award presented by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease