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Madia Lozupone,
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JAD profile

Associate Editor
Term Expiration:
Department of Mental Health; ASL Bari; and the Department of Translational Biomedicine and Neuroscience (DiBraiN) at the University of Bari Aldo Moro
Areas of Interest:
late-life depression, aging, neurodegeneration, old age psychiatry, CYP2D6 pharmacogenetics, population-based study, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease
Biography & Research:
Madia Lozupone currently works at the Department of Mental Health, ASL Bari, and the Department of Translational Biomedicine and Neuroscience (DiBraiN) at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy. Dr. Lozupone's research focuses on Psychiatry, Geriatrics, and Epidemiology. From 2012, immediately after training, she was involved as psychiatrist in the PRIN2009E4RM4Z (the GreatAGE Study), a population-based study of South-East Italy whose principal investigator is professor G. Logroscino, a neurologist with expertise in neurological epidemiology. From July 2014, she was admitted in the PhD entitled Neurosciences and Translational Medicine of University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy and she's actually pursuing a specific interest in old age psychiatry’s epidemiological study. The purpose of the psychiatric assessment of the GreatAGE Study “Impact of central and peripheral auditory dysfunctions on risk of onset of subjective cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and late onset depression”, was to investigate the impact, correlates and therapy adherence of common psychiatric disorders in the older age. It involves the Neurology Unit, the Geriatric Unit, the Otolaryngology Unit and the Psychiatric Unit of University of Bari and takes place in the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico “S. De Bellis”. The study conducted from Dr Lozupone in the psychiatric area has been focused on depressive disorders, particularly on late-life depression, defined as depression occurring in adults aged 65 years and over. Anxiety disorders, psychosis, and adjustment disorders were also studied.
From 2015 Dr Lozupone took part in the Board of Old Age psychiatry in the European Congress of Psychiatry. Dr Lozupone's past remarkable contribution to the European Congress of Psychiatry were respectively in 2014 (free oral communication titled The Greatage Study: prevalence of late onset depression in elderly rural community of Castellana Grotte (Italy); in 2015 (e- Poster oral presentation titled Prevalence of anxiety disorders and comorbid affective disorders in the elderly of Castellana Grotte (Italy) and in 2016 (free oral communication titled Validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale-30 against the gold standard diagnosis of depression in older age: The GreatAGE Study). Next participation to the EPA 2017 is in order to present others data about swallowing disorders in the elderly with psychiatric disorders and about the variables that influence elderly depression diagnosis.
Another field of interest pursued from 2015 as a clinical researcher in the Psychiatric Unit of Foggia, is the analysis of genetic polymorphisms, adverse drug reactions and targeted treatment of revolving door patients with psychiatric illnesses and specifically the pharmacogenetics of Cytochrome 2D6.