Biography & Research:
Dr Zuzana Walker, MD, FRCPsych, has 20 years of clinical experience as a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist. She has been actively involved in research in dementia and cognitive disorders since 1993 and has published over 100 peer reviewed papers in the area of Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), functional and molecular neuroimaging in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment, post-mortem validation of clinical and imaging findings and new treatments in cognitive disorders. She has published a number of key papers on neuroimaging of the dopamine transporter in DLB & Parkinson’s disease. She is the lead consultant in the Essex Memory Clinic which is well established, has an extensive database and is the focus for a number of research projects and treatment trials.
She has always ensured that her research activities are based outside an academic institution bringing research experience to a Mental Health Trust. Her success in widening the research base outside academic institutions was acknowledged in 2012 by an Award for increasing local NHS participation to NIHR life sciences research.