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Martin Vyhnalek, Associate Professor
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Associate Editor
Term Expiration:
Charles University Prague; Motol University Hospital; St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno
Areas of Interest:
aging, Alzheimer's disease, cerebrospinal fluid, executive functions, memory, mild cognitive impairment, neuropsychology, olfaction, subjective cognitive decline
Biography & Research:
Associate professor Martin VYHNÁLEK, M. D., Ph.D.
Mailing Address:
Phone Number:
Neurology Clinic, 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University,
V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5
+420-736 409 881
Postgraduate: - Associate professor in Neurology – Charles University – (2020)
- PhD degree in Neurosciences (2015)
- Specialization in Neurology 2nd degree – 2008, Prague
- University Diploma in Movement Disorders (DEU), Medical School, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France (2005-2006)
- Specialization in Neurology (1st degree) – 2005, Prague
- University Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (DEU), Medical School, University Montpellier, France (2001-2002)
- University Diploma in Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders (DEU), Medical School, University Montpellier I, France (2001-2002)
- Certificate of Specialization in Neurology, Medical School, University Montpellier I, France (2001-2003)
- 2nd Medical School, Charles University Prague (1995-2001)
- Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, Prague, Czech republic 1990-1995 (bilingual high school, education in French language)
- Department of Neurology, 2nd Medical School, Charles University ( 2003– now), actually – Associate professor, Head of the Center of hereditary ataxias, head of Neuropsychological laboratory, head of outpatient clinic.
- Resident at Cognitive and Behavioral Neurological Clinic, University Montpellier I, France (2001-2003)
Clinical Fellowship and courses:
- Course in Biomedical Statistics (EuroMise – Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Department of Neurology, Emille Muller Hospital, Mullhouse, France 1 month – French government scholarship (2001)
- Research fellowship Neurologie Pitié-Salpetriere, INSERM U 679 Paříž – Neurologie et Therapeutique experimentale (French government scholarship), duration 3 months. 09-12/2005
- Dpt. Of Neurology – Montpellier University Hospital - clinical fellowship, neurodegenerative diseases (4 months) 02-05/ 2009
- Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA 11/2011
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA 7/2012
- Cognitive Aging and Neurophysiology of Aging Labs, School of Aging Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA 02/2014 – 05/2014
Other experience:
- Associate Editor in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2017 – 2019)
- Reviewer (journals) - Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, Current Alzheimer research, European Journal of Neuroscience, American Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Other Dementias, Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, Neurologie pro praxi, Psychiatrie pro praxi,
- Reviewer (grants – grant agencies): IGA, AZV, GAČR, SRDA (Slovak research development agency), GAUK
- Rater and co investigator of Clinical Trials (1 international multicentre trial on vascular dementia and 8 multicentre trials on Alzheimer disease)
- National language expert for Eli Lilly H6L-MC-LFAN Investigator’s Meeting training Czech raters for ADAS-Cog, ADCS-ADL, CDR and CIBIC tests and scales,
- Consultant for Bracket in 5 AD trials (2014-2020)
- Author of Neuropsychological battery and neuropsychiatric scales used in Czech longitudinal study on cognitive impairment. Creator and author of study database
Grant projects - Principle investigator of 2 grant projects:
1) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of olfactory impairment in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment of other etiologies GAUK 91007 (2007 – 2009) - rating: exceptionally good
2) The Validation of specific mitophagy biomarkers across Alzheimer’s disease continuum – EAA Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the KAPPA Programme (2021-2024 – ongoing)
- Coinvestigator of 2 grants projects
1) Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on the detection of amyloid beta peptide complexes with certain endogenous substances in cerebrospinal fluid - IGA NT 11225 – 4 (2010 – 2013) co-investigator in Motol University Hospital, principal investigator: Ing. Zdena Krištofiková, Ph.D., rating – excellent
2) Interaction of intracellular amyloid beta and the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease AZV - 16-27611A (2016 – 2019)‒ co-investigator in Motol University Hospital, principal investigator: Ing. Zdena Krištofiková, Ph.D., rating – excellent
- Member of the research team in 15 other grant projects.
- Czech Neurological Society
- Section for Cognitive Neurology of the Czech Neurological Society – member of the Management Board
- EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)– member of the management board (2010-2014)
- ERN-RND (European reference network, rare neurological diseases) – member of the panel
- Czech - native language
- English – fluent
- French - fluent
Publications – summary : Number of publications – 180 (WOS), H-index 23 (WOS, 10-DEC-2022), times cited (WOS) 1791, 1 monography, 8 book chapters.
Prague 12-DEC-2022 Martin Vyhnálek