Members Directory

Rosario University
United States
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Areas of Interest:
aging, Alzheimer's disease, amyloid toxicity, cytoskeleton
School of Public Health - Georgia State
United States
Areas of Interest:
Law, ethics, biomarkers, long-term care
Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento y Sueño (TMS), Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González, Mexico City, Mexico
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease; posterior cortical atrophy; frontotemporal dementia; magnetic resonance imaging/spectroscopy
Uniformed Services University
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Areas of Interest:
virtual reality, Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, Aging and Cognition; Dementia; Neuropsychology; exercise
Hamburg University Medical Center Eppendorf
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, amyloid-β, antioxidants, biomarker
