Members Directory

VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Areas of Interest:
subjective cognitive decline, CSF biomarkers
Associate Editor
University of South Australia
Areas of Interest:
pharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology, long-term care, nursing homes
Department of NVS, Karolinska Institutet
Areas of Interest:
neurophysiology, electroencephalography, synaptic dysfunction in AD, synaptic markers
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
United States
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's, dementia, genetic risk, MRI
University of Victoria
University of Palermo
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, Memory evaluation, recognition memory, Aging and Cognition; Dementia; Neuropsychology; Neurodegeneration; Non-invasive brain stimulation
University of Oxford
Associate Editor
University of South Australia
Areas of Interest:
physical activity, sleep, sedentary behavior, Alzheimer's disease prevention
