Editorial Board
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease; frontotemporal dementia; primary progressive aphasia; neurodegeneration; biomarkers; neuroimaging; genetics; MRI; PET; amyloid; tau; neuropyschology |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer Disease and related disorders, Amyloid beta and Tau oligomers, synaptic dysfunction, cognitive resilience |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease, amyloid, Disease-Modifying Therapies, modeling |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: dementia, neuroscience, neurodegenerative disorders |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: aging, attention, dementia, methodology |
Associate Editor, Senior Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease, association studies, biomarkers, gene expression |
Associate Editor, Senior Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease, vascular cognitive impairment, cognitive training, Randomized Controlled Trials |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: cognitive assessment, AD biomarkers, drug development, clinical trials |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: dementia, accidental falls, gait, postural control |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: dementia, bioethics, gerontology, informal caregiving |
Associate Editor, Senior Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease, biomarker, DTI, early diagnosis |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: pharmacotherapy, lithium, lecanemab, aducanumab |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: neurobiology of speech, neurobiology of dance, dance therepy, dance interventions |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: neuropsychology, early detection of Alzheimer's disease, cognitive aging, everyday functioning |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer disease; Parkinson disease; Tau; Iron; Metals, ApoE, glutathione, antioxidants |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: health economics and policy: Alzheimer's disease and dementia |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Aging and Cognition, mobility, biomarkers, mitochondrial bioenergetics |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Clinical trials of MCI and AD, physical performance, physical functionality, Aging and Cognition |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: clinical neurophysiology, Alzheimer disease, epilepsy, nutrition |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: Alzheimer's disease, neuroimaging, magnetic resonance imaging, neuropsychology |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: acetylcholine, Alzheimer's disease, amyloid, curcumin |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: clinical neuroimaging, brain MRI, Aging and Cognition, cerebral blood blow |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: epidemiology, risk factors, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive reserve and resilience |
Associate Editor Areas of Interest: AD: Alzheimer Disease |