Members Directory

NYU School of Medicine
Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics
Areas of Interest:
biomarker, clinical trials, epidemiology, mild cognitive impairment
Federal University of the state of Rio de Janeiro
Areas of Interest:
behavior neurology, Aging and Cognition; Dementia; Alzheimer; Neuropsychological assessment; Frontotemporal dementia
Washington State University
United States
Areas of Interest:
technology, mild cognitive impairment, everyday functioning
Institute of Molecular Psychiatry, University of Bonn
Areas of Interest:
immunology, endocannabinoid system, microglia
Associate Editor
Histo-Chem Inc.
United States
Areas of Interest:
Histochemical localization and characterization of AD pathologies in human and murine brain tissue sections, the role of metals and lipids in AD pathologies, the role of metal chelators in the potential treatment of AD.
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Bonn
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease; neurodegeneration; biomarkers
Institute of Gerontology Heidelberg University
Areas of Interest:
dementia, learning intervention, training of health personnel
