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7 August 2023

FSU researcher finds potential new tool for early identification of dementia risk

Angelina Sutin

Research at the Florida State University College of Medicine has identified a potential low-cost method for predicting if a person is at risk of developing dementia. By analyzing data from nearly 13,000 subjects who participated in a long-term aging study, researchers found that an interviewer’s rating of a cognitively healthy person’s memory successfully predicted the likelihood of developing dementia over a 15-year period.

10 July 2023

2023 Alzheimer Award Goes to Henning Tiemeier, MD, PhD, and Rosanne Freak-Poli, PhD

Alzheimer Award

The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD) is pleased to announce the joint recipients of the 2023 Alzheimer Award are Henning Tiemeier and Rosanne Freak-Poli. The 2023 winning paper, "Loneliness, Not Social Support, Is Associated with Cognitive Decline and Dementia Across Two Longitudinal Population-Based Cohorts", presents important insights into the impact of poor social health, specifically loneliness, on cognitive decline and risk of dementia in older adults.

29 June 2023

Open access sister journal to JAD receives first impact factor

JAD Reports

The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports (JAD Reports) and its publisher IOS Press are proud to announce that JAD Reports has received its first impact factor of 3.2 according to Clarivate's 2023 edition of the Web of Science Journal Citation Reports™ (Emerging Sources Citation Index). This represents an impressive first number for this quality open access publication.

23 June 2023

Phone Menu Test Detects Who May Be at Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Mass General Brigham

A new study by investigators from Mass General Brigham has found that a brief, simulated task of navigating a phone menu can detect the earliest changes in daily functioning in people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Investigators found that an older adult’s performance on the test, which can be completed in a matter of minutes, was associated with the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease pathology, including amyloid and tau depositions in the brain. The findings could help inform prevention trials testing treatments for Alzheimer’s disease before pronounced symptoms of cognitive decline begin.

22 June 2023

Significant Correlation Found between Vitreous Human Biomarkers and Alzheimer’s Disease

Manju Subramanian, MD

New research from Boston Medical Center found a significant correlation between biomarkers in the vitreous humor of the eye and pathologically confirmed cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in post-mortem brain and eye tissue. This exploratory study indicates that biomarkers in the vitreous humor may serve as a proxy for neuropathological disease.

19 June 2023

New UCI-led research shows people who live to be 90+ with superior thinking skills are resilient to Alzheimer’s pathology in their brains

The 90+ Study

A University of California, Irvine-led team of researchers have discovered that the oldest-old, those who live to be 90+ and have superior cognitive skills, have similar levels of brain pathology as Alzheimer’s patients, however, they also have less brain pathology of other neurodegenerative diseases that cause memory and thinking problems.

14 June 2023

Traumatic brain injury raises risk of brain atrophy

brain atrophy

A new autopsy study from researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Kaiser Permanente Health Research Institute has found that people who reported having lost consciousness after sustaining a traumatic brain injury faced a higher risk of brain atrophy, but not the changes associated with Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

24 May 2023

Case Study Reveals Potentially Lethal Side Effects of Lecanemab for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

In a noteworthy case study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease investigators report autopsy findings in a 65-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) who received three open label infusions of the experimental anti-amyloid beta (Aβ) antibody drug lecanemab. Four days after the last infusion, she experienced stroke symptoms and died several days later due to multifocal intracerebral hemorrhage despite attempts at therapeutic intervention. Neuropathologic findings reflected therapy-induced Aβ phagocytosis involving fibrillar Aβ both in the parenchymal brain tissue and in the cerebral vasculature.


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